This story took place in Chile and how this dog came to be in such a predicament in the first place is not entirely clear. However, we do know who we need to thank for making sure that she has been set free. From the looks of it, this old girl is definitely well aware of that fact as well. Carabineros de Chile is the local Chilean police force and they were on the scene right away.
The neighbors had heard the dog’s cries for help. They are responsible for alerting the authorities. Giovanni Domke says that there was no one home at the time. When Domke arrived, he took a knife from one of the neighbors and went to help the poor dog. Thank goodness he arrived when he did. We shudder to think about what might have happened next.
Of course, the dog was a bit afraid when the cop approached. Maybe the poor puppy thought that they were about to get arrested? Fortunately, there was no such concern here. Even when the dog started to nip at the officer, he understood what needed to be done. He did not allow the animal’s aggression to slow him down for even a second.

Domke knew what had to be done and he was not going to let up. We’ve all had to rescue an animal that did not know how to take care of themselves in the past. There is something about rescuing an animal from themselves that is too funny to put into words. We are sure that this dog would have stayed tangled inside of the sheet forever if no one had come along to help.
Of course, the dog finally realized that the officer was actually there to help and relented at long last. Domke’s persistence is what allowed him to rescue the dog and he received quite the reward for his efforts. The brave officer’s actions received a great deal of acclaim after the fact as well. In a world where we do not always get to hear positive stories about police, this is a welcome change.
Rescate de perrito¡Estamos donde más nos necesitan!. Carabinero de la 2a. Comisaría #SanFelipe, rescata a perrito que se enredó en una red mientras se encontraba solo en un domicilio. #OrdenyPatria
Posted by Carabineros de Chile on Monday, March 4, 2019
This is a job well done! If you loved this rescue story (and this dog’s “thank you” gesture) as much as we did, be sure to share it with the animal lovers in your life as soon as possible. These are the stories that need to be told about our world’s police officers!