Family Dog Abandoned On The Curb Refused To Leave Her Blanket

The family in this story did what most families do when they are ready to pack up and leave. They dragged a bunch of unwanted stuff out to the curb so that the locals could pick through it and take what they wanted. The family made one major mistake, though. They elected to include their actual dog among all of this unwanted riff-raff.

We cannot believe that people would be willing to put their cruelty on public display like this. At least they put the dog outside with her blanket, too. The picture that was taken is a heartbreaking image. The dog looks so confused by what has taken place and we do not blame her one bit. Just imagine going from a happy home to being homeless in the blink of an eye.

This is not something that any dog should ever have to experience. Marina Tarashevska discovered her on New Year’s. Luckily, as Dallas DogRRR’s co-founder, she was a unique position to help out. The dog did not want to come with her initially, though. She was clinging to the blanket and she seemed to believe that her family was going to come back.

The poor pup just wanted to be close to something familiar and we feel her pain. Marina wanted to help her but it was not going to be an easy task. Any time Marina tried to help her, she would not let her. Finally, Marina was able to get her hands on the blanket and lure the dog into her backyard. She was even given a brand new name: Camilla.

She was too fearful to let Marina get close to her, even once she was safely in the house. The dog had been through too much. She probably thought that someone was going to toss her right back out into the cold again. Camilla also had some fresh wounds and needed to be taken to the vet’s office. They said that the injuries probably resulted from an embedded collar.

Camilla is now recovering nicely but she’s certainly got a long, hard road ahead of her. The physical wounds will heal eventually but the emotional ones may take a bit longer. She now resides in a foster home and will one day have the chance to head to a forever home. If you would like to learn more about this awesome pup and her ongoing recovery process, please be sure to check out the clip below.

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