Older man gets evicted with 20 adopted strays, then reporters discover his true identity

This man had been living in his home for at least a decade and when he got into an untimely dispute with his landlord, he and his cats were put out into the street unceremoniously. He, his cats and all of his possessions had nowhere to go. This story takes place in Binghampton and when neighbors had concerns about his well being, they contacted WREG to voice these thoughts.

His furniture was removed from the house and strewn about outside. Titus, the man who was evicted, now hopes to sell all of these items off before he officially has to vacate the premises. Memphis Animal Shelter is also attempting to intervene and find homes for all of the aforementioned cats. Their assistance has allowed Titus to take the time that he needs in order to handle his current predicament.

Titus blames the disagreement with his landlord on his inability to remain up to date with his rent payments and his neighbors also lodged complaints about his cats. When WREG showed up to provide coverage, he took the time to show them various clippings that lent insight into his unique background. He has built an amazing legacy and it is a shame to see everything he worked for out in the streets.

His old classmates from his days at Memphis Technical School heard of his situation and as one of the very first African American students to attend the institution, he was remembered as a pioneer. Unfortunately, this did not keep him from being stripped of his home and it did not keep his cats from also being stripped of their home.

The old man was eventually able to move in with his sister and the students who remembered him well from Memphis Technical also provided $1,000 worth of donations to assist him in getting back on his feet. The generosity that he had received made him appreciative and Titus told WREG that he could cry just thinking about it. He now hopes to start his own cat adoption agency.

While life does offer various setbacks, we have no control over them. All we can control is our own reaction to them and Titus’ ability to remain brave in the face of such struggle definitely deserves a great deal of credit. We are happy to see that he is safe and sound and we wish him all of the best going forward. Please take the time to share this clip of his amazing story with all of your closest friends and loved ones today.

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