Olive Garden Is Offering Breadstick Bouquets For Valentine’s Day

For the girl who hates flowers but loves carbs.

Olive Garden is offering a much more delicious option, inviting patrons to gift their loved ones with a bouquet of the chain’s iconic breadsticks.

A press release shares that Olive Garden created printable bouquet wrapping paper in multiple designs featuring slogans like “Love at first bite” and “To have and to hold. And most importantly, to eat,” according to Bustle.

“Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a bouquet of breadsticks I made for you,” reads a third wrapper, while another offers, “We belong together like spaghetti and meatballs.”

There are also multiple wrappers that reference the fact that Olive Garden’s breadsticks are (blessedly) never-ending, with the bouquets reading “My love for you is never ending” and “‘Til the breadsticks run out do us part.” Which, if you think about it, is a very romantic sentiment, seeing as how the breadsticks never run out.

So, to make a bouquet of your very own, all you have to do is print out your selected wrapping and stop by your nearest Olive Garden for one (or more) order of breadsticks to place inside. The wrappers can be downloaded.

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