Hope For Paws is well known in the Los Angeles area. This incredible organization has offered necessary assistance to a wide range of animals who are in need. When they recently received word about a scary “wolf” who was making their way through the Los Angeles, they knew that they would have to spring into action. And spring into action, they did.

The rescuers made their way to the scene immediately. They expected to find a wolf. What they saw was an animal that was covered in fur. The “wolf” was clearly not in their chosen element, either. This wolf was actually a dog that was in need of help. The animal was covered in wounds and sores that made it difficult for her to move around in a normal manner.

If the dog did not receive medical treatment soon, she was not going to be long for this world. On the bright side, the rescuers soon realized that the animal’s demeanor was kind and gentle. She was nothing like the wolf he had been reported to be. Hope For Paws was not quite sure what to make of her, though. They believed that she might be a wolf hybrid.

The wolf was given a new name: Julia. When they took a closer look at the animal, they realized that she had a rope tied around her neck. It is believed that she was neglected by her former owner. In fact, the former owner is thought to have allowed the neglect to reach a criminal level. It took some doing but the rescuers were finally able to remove the dog from the yard they found her in.

It was clear to see that the animal was in a great deal of pain. All the sores were making it difficult for her to walk around. The “wolf” was taken to the local vet clinic for assistance. She was suffering from bacterial infections, mange and malnutrition. Her paws were also very swollen. Her nails had grown to a very uncomfortable length.

Julia remained peaceful throughout each step of the process. She knew that the rescuers only wanted to help. The rescuers even learned that she was not a wolf at all. Julia was actually a mix: Siberian Husky and German Shepherd. The Snook family happily adopted her and provided her with a brand new forever home. Please take a moment to share the footage of her rescue with your closest friends and loved ones!