Guardians of the Galaxy fans are definitely familiar with the exploits of Rocket the Raccoon. But did you know that this raccoon’s role was actually inspired by a real, live animal? That’s right, Oreo the raccoon is the animal who served as the inspiration for the role that was so memorably voiced by Bradley Cooper. Sadly, Oreo recently passed away.
Oreo was the raccoon who was enlisted to serve as the inspiration for Rocket and he was directly involved in the filming of the smash hit film. His motions were used during the animation process, in an effort to make Rocket the raccoon seem as lifelike as possible. The behaviors of the raccoon were captured and this contributed to the quality of Cooper’s performance.
It is safe to say that Rocket would not have had the same effect if the animators had not taken the time to locate a real raccoon. We would not have gotten the same movie with the help that Oreo provided. Quinta Layla is the group that was responsible for the care of Oreo the raccoon. This Portuguese organization offered their condolences in the wake of his passing.
We have only the saddest news today. Our hearts are broken as we have lost our best friend, our Guardian of our Galaxy…
Posted by Quinta Layla on Thursday, February 7, 2019
The news was posted on the Quinta Layla Facebook page. Oreo was also given the chance to walk the red carpet when the original film was released. He was an invited guest of the film’s director, James Gunn. Gunn was happy to share in the moment with Oreo and so were we. Oreo’s training took place when he was very young. His mother did not have the ability to produce milk.

This is what gave them the chance to train the raccoon. He could drink milk from a bottle much faster than his siblings. He became a loyal companion to the film crew and was beloved by all. Fans have been providing support ever since the news of his passing was shared. Thanks to all of the joy that he provided to the rest of the world, his memory is never going to be forgotten.
While we did not know him personally, Rocket the Raccoon is quite possibly our favorite character in the entire franchise. We will never be able to watch these movies in quite the same way again. He leaves behind a wide range of friends and loved ones. He also leaves behind an impeccable artistic legacy. Rest in peace, Oreo. You might be gone but your memory is always going to live on.