Maria is a dog who has not always been able to enjoy the best of things. She’s had a long, hard road. In fact, all this dog knows is sadness and abandonment. To make matters worse, she is also paralyzed. Maria cannot feel anything from the ribs down. Her last owner did not want to provide her with the proper care. Now, she is dealing with the consequences of their decision.
Why people get dogs that they are not actually willing to care for is beyond us. In a world where there are plenty of shelters and forever homes, people still insist upon treating their animals poorly. Instead of allowing the dog to find a better home, the owners put her under even more stress. They decided that they were going to breed her, even though her body could not handle the strain.
The dog would not be able to give birth on her own. Maria would require a C-section in order to birth these babies. Her family steadfastly refused to pay for it. Can you believe that they decided to simply abandon the dog instead? We have heard stories about cruel pet owners in the past but this one certainly takes the cake. Fortunately, some good people stepped in to help her out.
She was given the chance to spend time at Friends of Emma Medical Rescue. When she was taken to the vet’s office and examined, they determined that she was suffering from severe flea infestation. Maria was also diagnosed with anemia. Luckily, the vet’s office was able to save Maria and her puppies. The proud mother eventually gave birth to a whopping seven puppies!
We cannot believe that she was able to pull through so easily. Thanks to the efforts of the rescue shelter and the vet’s office, she made it through the experience with flying colors. Maria will eventually be adopted but she is going to need some therapy first. Once she has completed her recovery, she will be given the chance to find a forever home that is all her own.
The vets worked with Maria for months and she was finally able to walk on her own. This is going to make it much easier for her to find a forever home. If you would like to help this awesome dog find a more permanent home, be sure to pass this story along to your closest friends and loved ones as soon as possible.