Hero the dog has lived quite the amazing life. His journey first began 12 years ago. In 2007, the dog was residing in the Georgia woods. During one of his trips through the woods, he ran into a woman who had fallen on hard times herself. Shannon crashed her car in his general vicinity. She had just gotten in a big fight with her husband before leaving the house.

Her mind was not clear. Sadly, the road that she was driving down had gotten rather windy. This left Shannon unable to navigate any of the turns. When the vehicle fishtailed, she was ejected through the back window.

It took her a while to come to and when she woke up, the lower half of her body was still inside of the crushed car. Shannon was terrified that no one would be able to locate her.

Fortunately, a Hero came along in this moment. She saw a black shape coming towards her and realized that she was not all alone. Hero was not going to let her die. She could feel the animal’s breath on her and knew that he had come to save her.

Shannon does not know how the dog was able to find her but she is certainly glad that he did. If not for Hero, who knows how long she would have been stuck there?

Shannon passed out once again. When she came to for the second time, she discovered that the dog had actually been able to remove her from the vehicle. Hero grabbed onto the woman’s hood and did everything in his power to maneuver her away from the wreckage. The dog’s strength was very inspiring to the woman. He gave her the strength she needed to stand up once again.

As it turns out, Hero had gotten to her in the nick of time. By the time he helped the woman make it to the side of the road, a driver was on their way past. Shannon was able to contact her husband and the ambulance before passing back out again. She was fortunate to make it through this ordeal without needing any sort of surgical assistance.

Meanwhile, Hero’s story would spread and he received the proper training to become a search and rescue animal. His skills are incredible. Now, he is able to use them on an everyday basis, so that others can receive the same sort of assistance that Shannon received. If you would like to learn more about the story of Hero, be sure to check out the video below (and pass it along, too!)