“The Joy of Painting” is a truly iconic television series. The show is known worldwide for bringing joy to all of its viewers. Ross’ inspirational messages spoke to his many audience members as well. Now, those who are looking to start off their day with a little Bob Ross in their bowl are able to do just that. That’s right, you guessed it, there is now Bob Ross cereal!
The name? Bob Ross: The Joy Of Cereal. We cannot think of a better idea. The cereal is comparable to Lucky Charms. Each box comes with marshmallows that are designed to resemble the items that Ross most loved to paint. Yes, the happy little accidents are present. The makers did not forget to include the lovely little bushes that we all hold so dear either.
So you’re telling me there is Bob Ross cereal that you can enjoy while watching Bob Ross. I’m definitely okay with this.
— Glenn (@glennphillips_) April 17, 2019
Apparently they make Bob Ross cereal and I need a box. Or 10.
— Hannah (@hmpwest) April 17, 2019
I need this in my life. https://t.co/UfAzEF3vqm
— America's Next Top Cabinet Member (@TheRadioDude) April 17, 2019
The almighty mountains are also on hand. We do not know Ross personally but we are willing to bet that he would not have it any other way. Those who came of age in the 1980s and 1990s remember his show well but his influence has filtered down to the younger generations. Thanks to his calm and reassuring demeanor, Ross has found new fans as the show ages.
YouTube is also tremendously helpful in this regard. Now, parents who grew up watching the show are able to pass down the tradition to their little ones. It is the perfect show for those who are looking for a bit of extra inspiration when they are starting their day. Ross has a way of making us feel like everything is going to be all right, doesn’t he?
He’s like Mr. Rogers with a paintbrush. We cannot imagine Ross raising his voice for even a second. Hopefully, his cereal delivers the same sort of soothing effect. If you are anything like us, you cannot wait to try some. We are going to be looking high and low until we are able to take a few boxes home for our pantry, that is for sure!
As for those who are not familiar with the show, now is your time to get hip. Be sure to check out the clip below and share it with your closest friends and loved ones. We would love to live in a world where everyone is well aware of the greatness that Bob Ross has to offer us. Head to the FYE website to learn more about how you can take home The Joy Of Cereal.